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appalachian washingtonians Route 4 Southern Maryland Beach Town Raining Cats and Dogs
Spirit of the Horse fantasy cat drawings nature commissions Jefferson Patterson Park


Suzanne Shelden Home Page

Forest Light Series

Route 4 Series

Appalachian Series

Washingtonian Series

Southern Maryland Series

Beach Town Series

The Birds

Raining Cats and Dogs

A Gala for Cat Lovers


The Spirit of the Horse





in North Beach

North End Gallery
in Leonardtown

The Arts Center
of Montross



Fine Art America
Suzanne Shelden



Shows and Events:


and Affiliations:


Suzanne Shelden's Facebook Page




The artwork found on this website is available directly from
comcast dot net



Acrylic Painting



Collage and Mixed Media



Computer Digital



thank you
for your

Forest Light

A new series brings new energy and inspiration into one’s art. It encourages one to explore the present and to revisit the past. It challenges the artist to break the boundaries of the plateau and to gain new experiences. Light is everywhere, but never is it so interesting and varied as it is in the heart of the forest. I hope you will enjoy this series. Please follow along as it develops.

Sunset on Cypress Swamp

Icy Horse Swamp Blue

23x27" Acrylic on Canvas


Sunset on Cypress Swamp

Sunset on Cypress Swamp

30 x 60" Acrylic on Canvas

July and August 2024 - Exhibited in "Coastal Landscapes"
Jo Fleming Gallery


Winner of Juror's Award in "Reflections"
(Maryland Federation of Art)
April 2024 Exhibition at Circle Gallery in Annapolis


Winner, "Best Composition Award"
NOAPS 2024 Associate Member Online Exhibition, July 2024


. . . cypress swamp . . .

Cypress swamp is one of those places where you find yourself in quiet company. From one moment to the next the light changes. Turn around and there are myriad views, the sun moves, the light shifts, and then, you are in a different place. Just standing on the boardwalk, you can get vertigo—as the view goes down as much as it goes up.

Heron Cove

Heron Cove
36 x 40" Acrylic on canvas

Winner of Honorable Mention: Torpedo Factory Art League's October 2024 Open show

We walked all of Greenwell State Park in St. Mary's County one hot afternoon and came upon this beautiful scene. We were hot and sweaty, the bugs were all out in force, but we persevered, and were well rewarded for our effort. Greenwell is not always this hot and challenging. There are many lovely walking trails, a rose garden, old barns, and river views.


Along the Trail to Zealand Falls

Along the Trail to Zealand Falls
A-Z Trail, White Mountains, New Hampshire

48 x 72" acrylic on canvas


. . . white mountains
of new hampshire . . .

The trails start in mature forest, traversing rocky switch backs and sometimes climbing straight up the mountainside in a series of rocky steps no one but giants could have made. With elevation, the trees hunker down in defense against the wind and weather. Stone emerges, thrusting up out of the earth, and trees claw into crevices. On the higher ridges is an alpine tundra so delicate hikers must stay on the trail, which is often bare granite and to either side only twelve inches of soil supports
a garden of hardened beauty.

in the fog and wind,
in the midst of the clouds,
in a garden of spruce on a stone path,
the white throated sparrow calls.


Valley Way Magic

Valley Way Magic
New Hampshire

24x36" acrylic on canvas
reproductions available on Fine Art America


Valley Way, Watson Junction

Valley Way, Watson Path Junction
New Hampshire

24x36" acrylic on canvas


Old Rag Stone

Old Rag Stone

acrylic on canvas 48 x 72in
Private Collection in Northern Virginia

Juried into the
ISAP (International Society of Acrylic Painters)
2016 Online Exhibition

reproductions available on Fine Art America



Village Still Life

Village Still Life
Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum

12 x 16" Acrylic on Canvas
currently available


Little Mushroom

Little Mushroom

8 x 8" Acrylic on Canvas





8 x 16" Acrylic on Panel
private collection in maryland


. . . jug bay . . .

Jug Bay and the Patuxent River are surrounded by parks and preserves, but the one I call Jug Bay has the Nature Center at the northern end and farms at the southern end, in the vicinity of Wrighton and Lower Pindell Roads.
There is an old railroad bed, now a trail, that goes along the eastern border of the park, and in the west, Jug Bay, and the Patuxent River. One can get in a good 7 mile run on a crisp, clear morning. On rainier days, interspersed across the landscape, are slight depressions, so wide across one cannot see their depth, until they fill with shallow water, and become ephemeral swamps that reflect the sometimes still, sometimes shimmering woodland landscape.


Woodland Hike

Woodland Hike

5 x 7" Acrylic on Canvas
Private Collection in Maryland


Cross Country

Paw Paw Path

5 x 7" Acrylic on Canvas
Private Collection in Maryland


Jug Bay Wetland

Jug Bay Wetland

16 x 20" Oil on Canvas
private collection in southern maryland

. . . jug bay . . .

Jug Bay and the Patuxent River are surrounded by parks and preserves, but the one I call Jug Bay has the Nature Center at the northern end and farms at the southern end, in the vicinity of Wrighton and Lower Pindell Roads.
There is an old railroad bed, now a trail, that goes along the eastern border of the park, and in the west, Jug Bay, and the Patuxent River. One can get in a good 7 mile run on a crisp, clear morning. On rainier days, interspersed across the landscape, are slight depressions, so wide across one cannot see their depth, until they fill with shallow water, and become ephemeral swamps that reflect the sometimes still, sometimes shimmering woodland landscape.


Midnight Noon

Midnight Noon
12 x 24" Acrylic on Canvas
private collection in maryland


From Whence We Came

From Whence We Came

36" x 40" Acrylic on Canvas, framed
Original available: $7,577


. . . audience. . .

The rustling of leaves and water disturbed, sounds like someone searching, foraging for something, but voiceless. Not then two people in a kayak voyaging—they would talk.
This being moves, but is not concerned about sounds of disturbance that may be overheard. No cat then, or hunting fox, nor even coyote.
Wouldn’t a beaver or woodchuck mutter to themselves like squirrels do? But this is a larger fluster than any of them could fabricate.
I stand still and listen on this windy peninsula where few people ever venture. My ears strain to hear and my eyes focus with my sense of the approach of this whoever.
Thrashing among the branches and leaves down the hillside, black against the water, a shadow rises into view. Becomes a great stag—large with antlers wide spread, the head held level and neck arched inversely supporting the weight.
He—no fool—sees me where I stand and studies me, head moving back and forth to get my true shape. He probably can tell I’m not the killing kind—he approaches for a closer look and stares, but not for long—you never know—and so moves on, north now, down into the next ravine, into the deepest part, where the woods thicken and the ground turns to marsh beyond, negotiating low branches—his passage—now silent, barely disturbing, making no noise. I follow, but he is gone.

View of Parkers Creek at end of Horse Swamp Trail

View of Parkers Creek at end of Horse Swamp Trail
American Chestnut Land Trust

40 x 40" Acrylic on Canvas
to private collection in St. Mary's County, MD

. . . american chestnut
land trust . . .

3000 acres of land and 22 miles of trails and I and my friends have done them all—again and again. Which loop should we do this week? Shall we venture North to South, or PF2BAY? We keep coming back, and certain trails we revisit weekly for the spring flowers and ephemerals . . . we hike the trail to the end for a glimpse of the bay and for Parkers Creek, which bends like the Shenandoah on its way east.

Red Hat

Red Hat
On the trail to view Old Man in the Mountain, New Hampshire

11 x 14" Acrylic on Canvas
Sold to the owner of the red hat!


Grumpy Grackle

Grumpy Grackle

private collection in maryland


Sunset on the North/South Trail

Thanksgiving Hike

5 x 7" Acrylic on Canvas
private collection in maryland


Fall View

Fall View

5 x 7" Acrylic on Canvas
private collection in maryland


Sunset on the North/South Trail

Sunset on the North/South Trail

5 x 7" Acrylic on Canvas
private collection in maryland


The Snag

The Snag
Along the Trail to Madison Hut
White Mountains, New Hampshire

5 x 7" Acrylic on Canvas
private collection in maryland


Rocky to the Top

Rocky to the Top
Along the Trail to Madison Hut
White Mountains, New Hampshire

5 x 7" Acrylic on Canvas
private collection in maryland


Under the Pines 

Under the Pines
Along the Trail to Madison Hut

5 x 7" Acrylic on Canvas
private collection in maryland


Into the Birch Forest

Into the Birch Forest
Along the Trail to Zealand Falls Hut

5 x 7" Acrylic on Canvas
private collection in north carolina


Your Waters are Purest

your waters are purest
George Washington National Forest

24 x 36 Acrylic on Canvas
private collection in northern virginia

reproductions available on Fine Art America

My Summertime Home

my summertime home
Camp Strawderman, George Washington National Forest

24 x 36" Acrylic on Canvas

reproductions available on Fine Art America

Tall Pines Surround Your Green Hills

tall pines surround your green hills
Camp Strawderman, George Washington National Forest

24 x 36" Acrylic on Canvas

reproductions available on Fine Art America

And the Lights Glowing Softly at Night Guide Us Home

and the lights glowing softly at night guide us home
Camp Strawderman, George Washington National Forest

24 x 36" Acrylic on Canvas

reproductions available on Fine Art America

. . . george washington
national forest . . .

. . . is for me: limestone and granite, lichen and moss, pine and old weathered oak, misty views of mountains at sunset, morning hikes with rocky climbs that take me above low clouds of fog where only the ridges of the mountains can be seen in the predawn light, cold water creeks with barnacles biting the soles of my feet, long gravel roads strewn here and there with bits of slag from old furnaces, outcrops of fossil shale, ridge trails under low oak and pine with understories of cinnamon fern, hollows where trails wend through dark tunnels of hemlock...

Big Schloss

Big Schloss
George Washington National Forest

24 x 30" Acrylic on Canvas



Annmarie Garden

11 x 14" oil on canvas
Private Collection in Maryland


Woodland Path

Woodland Path
Annmarie Garden

11 x 14" oil on canvas

. . . annmarie . . .

The kind vision that has formed Annmarie Garden over the years has preserved the forest and created an outdoor museum with long contemplative views of contemporary sculptures and winding pathways.
Look closer, and find a playful spirit that inspires children and adults alike.


Annmarie Garden

11 x 14" oil on canvas - Palette Knife

private collection in maryland


a MAZING tree

a MAZING tree

36 x 72" Acrylic on Canvas

... but it is also called "Transpiration" because the maze is structured like the water cycle, where the channels lead from around the sun and down to the ground as rain, into the soil, back up into the tree, out the branches and folliage and into the sky and back around the sun and on and on in a never-ending cycle.



Cherries in Bloom

Cherries in Bloom
St. Leonard Polling House, Maryland
7 x 14" oil on canvas


Dogwood in Bloom

Dogwood in Bloom
Annmarie Garden
8 x 8" oil on canvas
private collection in maryland



St. Leonard Polling House, Maryland
4 x 6" Acrylic on Panel
private collection in narnia


Forest Sunset

Forest Sunset

14 x 14" Framed Acrylic on Canvas
Original available: $196


Dawn Puddle

Dawn Puddle

8 x 10" Framed Acrylic on Canvas
private collection in maryland

. . . places to wander. . .

Patuxent River Park
Swanson Road
Kings Landing
Jug Bay
Ward Farm Park
Biscoe-Gray Farm Park
Cypress Swamp
American Chestnut Land Trust
Flag Ponds
Calvert Cliffs
Point Lookout


42 — 675

42 — 675
16 x 20
found objects collage
photo prints available upon request


42 — 691

42 — 691
12 x 16
found objects collage
photo prints available upon request


Old Zinnia

Old Zinnia

18 x 18" Acrylic on Canvas
Private Collection in Chicago

Coming Up


The Snake and the Gravestone

"The Snake and the Gravestone"

painting in the works!


Past Inspirations for Forest Light

Hunting Creek

Hunting Creek
24" x 36"
Private Collection
in Maryland


Sunset Over St. Leonard Creek

Sunset Over St. Leonard Creek
Acrylic on Canvas
24 x 36
Private Collection in New York



White Oak Canyon

White Oak Canyon

White Oak Canyon
acrylic on canvas 30 x 60in
private collection
reproductions available on Fine Art America

This is part of the Appalachian series. White Oak Canyon of Shenandoah National Park is one of my favorite hikes. This is an amazing waterfall and this painting is a compilation of several photos of the falls.


The artwork found on this website is available directly from
Shelden Studios AT comcast DOT net


All rights reserved. Copyright©2024 Shelden Studios.